The Quadrature Calculator Level 1 application was developed to help you calculate definite integrals of large variety of functions. This is a product which can be found most useful by scientists, engineers, professors, and students.This calculator calculates definite integrals of large variety of functions by tanh-sinh quadrature scheme. Numerical values are calculated with precision 15-16 digits. Also uncertainty of result is computed.All calculation results are reflected in History rich-text-box, which can be saved in file or printed.Calculates definite integrals of large variety of functions.
7 Nisan 2010 Çarşamba
Quadrature Calculator Level 1
The Quadrature Calculator Level 1 application was developed to help you calculate definite integrals of large variety of functions. This is a product which can be found most useful by scientists, engineers, professors, and students.This calculator calculates definite integrals of large variety of functions by tanh-sinh quadrature scheme. Numerical values are calculated with precision 15-16 digits. Also uncertainty of result is computed.All calculation results are reflected in History rich-text-box, which can be saved in file or printed.Calculates definite integrals of large variety of functions.