Have you ever wondered whether it is worth investing in low energy light bulbs or wanted to work out just how much leaving the TV, Video, DVD, Satellite and Hi-Fi on standby is costing you. Do you want to find out how much leaving the computer and broadband router on all the time costs. Or may be you want to help the environment by reducing energy conservation. If the answer to any of these is yes then maybe EnCalcE can help you. To find more energy saving ideas click on Energy Saving.EnCalcE calculates the cost of purchasing and running electrical appliances, allowing 2 alternative items to be compared under the same running conditions. The results can be saved to a log file for later analysis. EnCalcE is part of the JSutils group of software utilities which have a theme of energy conservation.Variables such as operating life, purchase cost and power (including standby power) can be independently varied for 2 items for specified payback times, hours of use and electricity cost to work out the true total cost of items. EnCalcE can cope with different charging rates for electricity at different times of the day.For information on using the program click on Using, Details of the formulae used can be found in Formulae. Information on the program data limits can be found in Data Limits. To find out more about errors see Error Messages.Currency & Date FormatThis is defined by the settings in the computer Regional Options which can be accessed via the Control Panel. The currency symbol reflects the settings in the Currency Tab. The date format in the log file reflects the setting in the Date Tab.Default ValuesThe cost of electricity, the payback time plus whether the program runs on top and how save works can be saved as default values by clicking on the Save Defaults button. The Reset Defaults button can be used to restore the saved defaults.Electricity PricesSome electricity companies charge electricity at two different rates over a given period during the day. The lowest one is usually for usage over a given number of KW Hours. Use the lowest one provided electricity usage is over the threshold for triggering this rate. To save entering the correct electricity prices every time the program is used the Save Defaults button can be used. The VAT for electricity prices can be added separately as a percentage. VAT is not added on to the Item Cost.LoggingThe log file can be used to capture the results of calculations. Each entry is date and time stamped. Any internal program errors will also be written to the log file if possible. A start up message is written to the log file each time the program is started which includes the program version.Note: The program requires a registration code to run - this can be obtained free for personal non commercial use from the Download page. Registration codes from previous versions are compatible with version 4.0. Calculates the cost of purchasing and running electrical appliances
29 Temmuz 2009 Çarşamba
EnCalcE 4.2
Have you ever wondered whether it is worth investing in low energy light bulbs or wanted to work out just how much leaving the TV, Video, DVD, Satellite and Hi-Fi on standby is costing you. Do you want to find out how much leaving the computer and broadband router on all the time costs. Or may be you want to help the environment by reducing energy conservation. If the answer to any of these is yes then maybe EnCalcE can help you. To find more energy saving ideas click on Energy Saving.EnCalcE calculates the cost of purchasing and running electrical appliances, allowing 2 alternative items to be compared under the same running conditions. The results can be saved to a log file for later analysis. EnCalcE is part of the JSutils group of software utilities which have a theme of energy conservation.Variables such as operating life, purchase cost and power (including standby power) can be independently varied for 2 items for specified payback times, hours of use and electricity cost to work out the true total cost of items. EnCalcE can cope with different charging rates for electricity at different times of the day.For information on using the program click on Using, Details of the formulae used can be found in Formulae. Information on the program data limits can be found in Data Limits. To find out more about errors see Error Messages.Currency & Date FormatThis is defined by the settings in the computer Regional Options which can be accessed via the Control Panel. The currency symbol reflects the settings in the Currency Tab. The date format in the log file reflects the setting in the Date Tab.Default ValuesThe cost of electricity, the payback time plus whether the program runs on top and how save works can be saved as default values by clicking on the Save Defaults button. The Reset Defaults button can be used to restore the saved defaults.Electricity PricesSome electricity companies charge electricity at two different rates over a given period during the day. The lowest one is usually for usage over a given number of KW Hours. Use the lowest one provided electricity usage is over the threshold for triggering this rate. To save entering the correct electricity prices every time the program is used the Save Defaults button can be used. The VAT for electricity prices can be added separately as a percentage. VAT is not added on to the Item Cost.LoggingThe log file can be used to capture the results of calculations. Each entry is date and time stamped. Any internal program errors will also be written to the log file if possible. A start up message is written to the log file each time the program is started which includes the program version.Note: The program requires a registration code to run - this can be obtained free for personal non commercial use from the Download page. Registration codes from previous versions are compatible with version 4.0. Calculates the cost of purchasing and running electrical appliances